January 30, 2006

Standing Room Only In Tucson

Russo Film Scores Big With Audience

On to Denver and Austin

Aaron Russo and WTP scored a one-two punch in Tucson on Saturday.  

A crowd of several hundred packed a Tucson movie theater Saturday afternoon. First, they were treated to an advance screening of Aaron Russo’s latest movie, “America . . .From Freedom To Fascism,a powerful and engaging 95-minute film about the problem in America – the loss of Freedom.  Then they viewed our new 55-minute DVD about the Right to Petition as the only non-violent solution to the problem.  

Russo’s DVD is a dramatic wake up call that stirs the full range of emotions. It presents, in an absorbing, credible, fact-filled fashion, America’s chief domestic problem: the fall of Freedom and the rise of fascism, tyranny, despotism and the police state. The film begins by documenting the dual frauds of 1913, the federal income tax and the Federal Reserve System, and covers topics such as the national ID card, human chip implants, vote fraud, government lying and spying, CODEX and the New World Order.  

WTP’s DVD documents and records for history the events of July 19, 2004: the gathering and speeches at the National Press Club and the march from there to the federal courthouse to file our lawsuit seeking a declaration of our Right to hold the government accountable to the Constitution by filing Petitions for Redress and retaining our money until our grievances are Redressed.

Producer Russo and WTP's Bob Schulz
Russo with the crowd
Frame from the movie, Schulz on C-SPAN

Frame from the movie, Banister
Frame from the movie, Schulz
Frame from the movie, Schiff

Following the showing of the RTP DVD, Schulz gave an update on the progress of the lawsuit and discussed WTP’s plan to bring the issue to the country’s attention next April.  

Russo, who wrote, directed and produced the film, was given a standing ovation that clearly affected him emotionally.

The feature film, done in a style similar to last year’s documentary by Michael Moore, “Fahrenheit 911,” presents a common-man’s perspective of how we our losing our Freedom and the Republic to the IRS, the banking cartel and the effects of corporate domination.

The Russo film effectively identifies what is wrong with America and the WTP Right-to-Petition initiatives provide the constitutional antidote for government abuse of power.

Please Spread The Word

It is important that you spread the word about Russo’s new film and the events where People can watch it. Please e-mail your associates and populate the Internet in every way you can with news of the film and WTP’s expanding schedule of screenings.

The film will be shown next weekend in Denver Colorado and the following weekend in Austin, Texas.
The screenings are FREE and open to the public.
For detailed directions use Mapquest

Denver Colorado
Saturday, February 4th
1 -5 PM
Starz FilmCenter
900 Auraria Parkway
Denver, CO 80204

Austin, Texas
Saturday, February 11
1 - 5 PM
Alamo Drafthouse Theater
(512) 476-1320

We Need Your Support

  The We The People Foundation is expending tens of thousands of dollars in renting theaters and in purchasing special equipment to bring our message and Russo’s film to audiences around America during our three month series of regional meetings and our finale event, the “Hungering for Redress” protest in Washington, DC in late April.

We have significant costs to cover for air and hotel travel, theater rentals, advertising, software programming, audio/visual equipment and technicians, legal fees, etc., -- and these are well beyond the normal operating expenses of the Foundation. 

Please, again, consider what our organization is doing:

We have brought the issues to the attention of many People and we have brought a landmark federal lawsuit petitioning the court -- for the first time in history -- to formally declare the constitutional meaning of the last ten words of the First Amendment, i.e., the Right to Petition.

Contemplate for a moment the full nature of this power of the People to hold government accountable to will of the People as expressed in the Constitution.

When you help our cause and help fund our organization you are reawakening a long-forgotten, dormant power of the We The People.

If we act together, an incredible moment lies just ahead for the history of our nation. In the near future we will be able to demonstrate to the American People that Freedom has not died and that the People still have a simple, eloquent, and constitutionally articulated power to secure Constitutional Order for our Republic and achieve Freedom for our generation as it was ordained by Divine inspiration and recorded on the parchments of our Founding documents.

This organization is funded entirely by your generous support. We need your help and we need your participation.
We have bold, but doable ideas for garnering nationwide public attention and support for our cause and propelling our legal confrontation through to victory in the United States Supreme Court -- but we cannot do it without your support.

Please get to one of the regional meetings and tell your acquaintances to do the same.

Please plan to be in the nation’s Capitol for the “Hungering For Redress” event beginning Monday, April 24. (More details will be released soon)

Please help fund the one organization that may have within its grasp the single remaining and practical means for peacefully salvaging our nation and our Constitution: The Right to Petition.

For each donation of $100, we will promptly
 send you the DVD documenting the events
 of the July, 2004 RTP lawsuit kick-off event
 and WTP protest march through Washington.

Preview the DVD:
 Dial-up   DSL/Cable
  (3 min)

(Please note the Preview videos
 are lower quality than the actual DVD)

Click here to
Donate & Obtain the RTP DVD


Acta Non Verba.
Deeds, Not Words.