We The People Foundation For Constitutional Education, Inc.

2458 Ridge Road, Queensbury, NY 12804 

Telephone: (518) 656-3578   Fax: (518) 656-9724


July 1, 2001

VIA FACSIMILE               (202) 456-2461

Hon. George W. Bush                                                                                                                   President of the United States                                                                                                              The White House                                                                                                                              1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW                                                                                                Washington, D.C. 20500

Dear Mr. President,

An early response to this letter would be appreciated.

 This letter is a follow-up to my letter to you, dated June 11, 2001, which was delivered on June 11, 2001 to your office, and to the offices of Speaker Hastert, Majority Leader Daschle (not Senator Lott as indicated) and IRS Commissioner Rossotti.

The purpose of the earlier letter was to respectfully request your assistance in getting the federal government to agree to have its experts meet on September 18, 2001, in a public forum in Washington DC, with tax law researchers from the Tax Honesty Movement, to address certain grievances of those researchers.

In the earlier letter I summarized the actions this Foundation and others have respectfully and professionally undertaken during the last three years to petition the government to answer the researchers’ allegations of fraud and the illegal operations of the federal income tax system. I reported that, thus far, and regrettably, the government has not answered the petition, evading the researchers and the issues.

Finally, in the earlier letter I informed you that as of today, July 1st, I would begin a fast that would continue until I die or until the government agrees to have its experts attend the September 18th meeting.

As of today, I have not received any response from the government to my letter of June 11, 2001. Therefore, I have begun the fast.

Hoping to hear from you soon, I remain

Respectfully yours,


Robert L. Schulz






cc: Hon. Thomas Daschle               VIA FACSIMILE   (202) 224-7895

     Senate Majority Leader

     Hart 509

     Washington, D.C. 20510


    Hon. J. Dennis Hastert                VIA FACSIMILE   (202) 225-0697


    2369 Rayburn Bldg

    Washington, D.C. 20515


    Charles O. Rossotti                      VIA FACSIMILE   (202) 622-5756


    Internal Revenue Service

    1111 Constitution Ave.

    Room 3000

    Washington, DC 20224