We The People Congress

"The price of freedom is eternal vigilance"
- Thomas Jefferson

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Letter delivered to:
President Clinton, Senator Lott, Speaker Hastert and Chief Judge Rehnquist


February 1, 2000

Hon. William Jefferson Clinton
President of the United States
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, D.C. 20500

Hon. Trent Lott
President Pro Tempore
U.S. Senate
487 Russell Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510

Hon. J. Dennis Hastert
U.S. House of Representatives
2263 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20515-1314


By letter dated May 5, 1999, we respectfully requested that you identify the people with the best legal minds on the subject and have them participate in an academic symposium on the legality of the income tax -- a symposium the We The People Foundation For Constitutional Education was sponsoring in Washington on July 1and 2, 1999. Enclosed with your copy of the May 5th letter of invitation were copies of three research reports which concluded: a) that the income tax amendment to the U.S. Constitution (the 16th) was not ratified by 3/4 of the state legislatures and that the Secretary of State (Philander Knox) in 1913 fraudulently proclaimed that it had been; b) that, regardless, no law or regulation is on the books that requires most U.S. citizens to file or pay a federal income tax; and c) that when those citizens do sign their 1040 forms they voluntarily, but unknowingly, waive their 5th amendment rights to not be forced to testify against themselves.

The May 5th letter of invitation informed you that the author of each report (William B. Benson, Joseph Banister and William Conklin) would present his methodology and conclusions at the symposium, whereupon the floor would be open to questions, discussion and refutation by those in attendance. A copy of the May 5, 1999 letter is attached hereto.

By June 4, 1999, we had not received a response to our May 5, 1999 letter. Therefore, on June 4, 1999, we wrote again to respectfully request that you identify your most knowledgeable people and have them participate in the symposium to argue against the conclusions of Messrs. Banister, Benson and Conklin. The letters were sent certified, return receipt requested. A copy of the June 4, 1999 letter is attached hereto.

Notwithstanding the fact that you did not identify anyone to participate in the discussions and to contradict the authors if their presentations were incorrect, and that we did not receive from you any acknowledgement that you had received the invitation, the symposium was held as planned with C-SPAN providing a live 3-1/2 hour broadcast of the presentations by Messrs. Banister, Benson, Conklin and by Lowell Becraft, the constitutional attorney from Huntsville, Alabama.

At the conclusion of the July symposium, in light of the preponderance of the evidence in support of the three propositions and the absence of any arguments by the political branches of the government in opposition, and in light of the fact that the Judiciary has concluded that the question of the fraudulent ratification of the 16th amendment is a non-judicial political question, it was announced that a people's congress or summit meeting would be held in the fall, again at the National Press Club, for the purpose of deciding on the next steps that could be taken to deal with the seemingly unconstitutional income and social security taxes and the unlawful operations of the IRS.

The failure of a representative government to justify its actions left the people with no alternative but to go forward with their critical analysis and further dissemination of information to the general public.

Accordingly, a Citizens' Summit To End The Illegal Operations Of The IRS was held on November 13, 1999 at the National Press Club in Washington DC. Scores of people from 16 states assembled in a meeting to agree on and sign a Remonstrance designed to end the illegal operations of the IRS; to hear Mr. Benson give the details of an official attempt by a leading, currently-sitting U.S. Senator to pay to have the evidence of fraud suppressed; to hear from two former IRS agents from the Criminal Investigation Division who recently resigned because they believed the IRS was enforcing the Internal Revenue Code -- as though payment of the income and social security taxes were compulsory when, in fact, payment of the taxes has been judged voluntary by the courts; to hear from a Florida employer who recently convinced the IRS to return income and social security taxes (with interest) that he withheld from his employees, on the basis that the law as written does not require most employers to withhold or even to file W-2s and 1099s with the IRS and that the law does not require most employees to file and pay those taxes; and to hear from attorney Lowell Becraft about the significance of the rulings by the federal courts that obfuscate questions of the constitutionality of the 16th amendment and the more recent rulings that evade entirely the claims of illegal and fraudulent proclamation of ratification of the amendment in 1913 by Secretary of State Philander Knox.

On October 13, 1999, by letter, we respectfully informed you of the scheduled Citizens' Summit To End The Illegal Operations Of The IRS and respectfully requested your comments on the issues. Again, you did not respond in any form of communication.  A copy of the October 13,1999 letter is attached hereto.

At the conclusion of the November 13, 1999 Citizens' Summit To End The Illegal Operations of The IRS, those in attendance signed five copies of a Remonstrance and agreed that on April 13, 2000, one copy of the Remonstrance should be delivered, personally, to President Clinton and, similarly, one should be delivered to Senator Lott, one should be delivered to Speaker Hastert and one should be delivered to the Chief Judge of the U.S. Supreme Court. It was also agreed that the Remonstrance should be displayed on the internet to give all interested citizens an opportunity to join in the Remonstrance, electronically. It was also agreed that arrangements should be made for the personal delivery of the Remonstrance to the leaders of each branch of the government by a delegation consisting of two or more ordinary, non-aligned citizens from each of the fifty states.

It was also agreed that a letter should be sent to Messrs. Clinton, Lott, Hastert and Rehnquist requesting that they personally receive the delegation and the Remonstrance on April 13, 2000.

Accordingly, and with respect, please take notice that a delegation from the people of America will be at the White House, the Capitol and the U.S. Supreme Court building on April 13, 2000 at the following times to deliver personally to the addressees of this letter a copy of the Remonstrance. Furthermore, by copy of this letter to Chief Judge Rehnquist, we respectfully notify the court that a copy of the Remonstrance will be presented to the Supreme Court at the indicated time.

12:00 noon Office of the President of the U.S.
The White House

1:00 p.m. Office of the President Pro Tempore
U.S. Senate
The Capitol

2:00 p.m. Office of the Speaker
U.S. House of Representatives
The Capitol

    3:00 p.m. Office of the Chief Judge
    U.S. Supreme Court

The Remonstrance is a strong statement of grievances regarding the illegality of the income and social security taxes. It is highly condemnatory of the role all three branches have played in what can only be called an 86 year historical hoax perpetrated on the people by their government beginning in 1913.

A copy of the (unsigned) Remonstrance is also attached hereto. Please note that this is the full text of the Remonstrance that was signed by those in attendance at the Citizens' Summit To End The Illegal Operations Of The IRS on November 13, 1999, and that is displayed on the internet at www.givemeliberty.org and is available for electronic signature.

It is our hope that each of the responsible leaders of the three branches of our government will plan to receive and respect the delegation from the people of America.

Very truly yours,


Robert L. Schulz,
Chairman of the Board

Carol Cris,
Vice Chairman

Keith W. McCart

Burr V. Deitz,


cc. William H. Rehnquist, Chief Judge
      U.S. Supreme Court
      1 First St., NE
      Washington, DC 20543