Citizens' Summit
National Plan To End Unlawful Income Tax
National Press Club, Washington, DC November 13, 1999

10:00 am Registration
11:00 Robert "Bob" Schulz: Welcome and opening remarks.
11:15 Lowell "Larry" Becraft, Esq., "The Great 16th Amendment Fraud and the Meaning of the Failure of the Courts to Address it." The significance of the rulings by the federal courts that obfuscate questions of the constitutionality of the 16th amendment and the more recent rulings that evade entirely the claims of illegal and fraudulent proclamation of ratification of the amendment in 1913 by Secretary of State Philander Knox. The courts have declared the question of the fraudulent proclamation to be a political one for Congress, while the Congressional Research Service has subsequently asserted that it’s an issue for the courts to decide.
11:45 William "Bill" Benson. "Money Didn’t Talk" Mr. Benson will reveal the name of the U.S. Senator who tried to bribe him to prevent all copies of his two-volume research report on the ratification of the 16th Amendment, "The Law That Never Was," from seeing the light of day. He will also talk about who Philander Knox was, and what his motives were. He’ll discuss his idea of jury nullification in criminal income tax cases.
12:15 Lunch.  Robert Schulz, "Hall of Fame."
Recognition of some of those individuals who, for more than 30 years, have studied and researched income tax laws and have been courageously teaching and acting upon their conviction that there is no law or regulation that requires most U.S. citizens to pay income or social security taxes or to have those taxes withheld from their earnings.
1:15 David Bosset. "The Victory In Florida."
A Florida businessman and employer follows the law as it is written, and, for the first time, stands up to the IRS and wins. His victory represents a most significant milestone in the struggle against the misinformation campaign by the IRS. The IRS is a master of the FUD Factor (Fear, Unbelief and Doubt), which is why they are the most feared of all government agencies. Mr. Bosset removes the "fog" from the tax law, as he outlines the law and regulations he followed to correct and reverse all the W-2 and 1099 forms for his employees. The IRS has agreed with Mr. Bosset's corrections and has returned the money he paid in to the IRS for income and social security taxes. Mr. Bosset will not be issuing W-2's and 1099s for most of his employees in the future, nor withholding their money. He'll also outline the steps individual employees can use to free themselves even when their employers are uncooperative.
2:30 A public reading of the REMONSTRANCE.
2:45 "The People's Strategy." In addition to undertaking a mass movement to promote and teach the methods described above by Mr. Bosset, plans will be unveiled to enlist tens or hundreds of thousands of citizens to convey their displeasure over the government's disobedience of the law and its behavior in misleading people into believing that they were required to file and pay income and social security taxes, and to otherwise force the IRS to follow the law.
3:30 General discussion

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