( TRT jackets are now available! )

Our government officials are stealing the fruits of our labor under the pretense of caring for us.

Every unlawful act committed by the government -- whether at the local, state or federal levels -- is an act of tyranny, and we, as responsible Americans, have a duty to respond to acts of governmental tyranny in order to preserve, protect and enhance our rights, freedoms and liberties.

Our wonderful system of governance is being corrupted by local, state and federal government officials (including our judges) who have been placed into positions of trust. Much of what is happening in government is now working more to the benefit of a select few than to the public good -- all at the expense of the ordinary, nonaligned citizen-taxpayer and independent business owner. 

It is axiomatic, as government gains ground liberty loses ground.

Our government is becoming a government of, by and for the government -- not of, by and for the people. 

Our freedom to keep and spend our money the way we want to has been and is still being torn away by unscrupulous and dishonest government officials; the situation has gotten way out of hand due to fraudulent and illegal acts. 

However, there is reason for hope.

The people are the source of all political power, and all of government is limited by our state and federal constitutions.  A citizens' Tyranny Response Team is now taking shape in the country. It started in Colorado and is spreading across the country.  Here in New York, people in various parts of the state, including the greater Glens Falls area, and in the Capital District, on Long Island and in the Rochester area have been joining the Tyranny Response Team and purchasing navy blue jackets with the words TYRANNY RESPONSE TEAM emblazoned across the back.  

The Tyranny Response Team is New York's newest team of educators.  These are solid citizens who know that the way our system of governance was designed to work is in sharp contrast to what is happening.  They know that the people and their posterity are being robbed of their rights, liberties and freedoms, often unknowingly.  They have been showing up at town and county government meetings to educate our elected officials about the prohibitions and restrictions of the law, including the ultimate rulebooks -- the state and federal constitutions.  

At all times the TRT members behave rationally, intelligently and professionally.   

Putting our collective foot down

For We The People to succeed in our effort to end the corruption of our government at all level, especially at the local and state levels, a pro-active, non-violent, mass-movement is needed and is being organized. Only by putting our collective foot down, and sharing the burden, can we expect to see the government brought back into order -- under the control of the law and the people.  

New York State's Tyranny Response Team expects to establish an institute headquartered in Albany with field offices located in each county, and with staff attorneys and support personnel, for the purpose of informing the people about governmental wrongdoing, especially at the local and state levels, and when necessary, to continue the education process by bringing elected and appointed officials before the judiciary in order to obtain a redress of grievances. 

To that end, the We The People Foundation for Constitutional Education and has published a series of full page messages in the Glens Falls Post Star, the daily newspaper the serves the region the Foundation is headquartered in. The purpose of the messages was two-fold:

  1. To introduce the citizens of the region to the Tyranny Response Team and to see that the first public word about the Team and the word "tyranny" was a positive word; and

  2. To provide factual information about specific examples of tyrannical behavior by the government.  

The Messages Thus Far...

  • Our first message, a general educational message, was published on September 5, 2000, as a letter addressed "DEAR WE THE PEOPLE."

  • Our second message, another general educational message, was published on September 12, 2000, under the heading: "SOVEREIGN CITIZENS IN A REPUBLIC -- THE ULTIMATE BRANCH OF GOVERNMENT."  

  • Our third message addressed a worsening problem that we have with the Glens Falls Post Star -- the lowering of the wall between the government and the press. The message ran under the heading: "IT LOOKS LIKE WE HAVE ANOTHER ISSUE."

  • Our fourth message addressed the region's most outrageous example of a specific, fraudulent, tyrannical act by our State Senator and our County government. The message was a two-page message that ran under the heading: " THE HUDSON FALLS BURN PLANT, A CASE STUDY OF TYRANNY IN ACTION."  

  • Our fifth message addressed the another specific example of governmental tyranny in our region -- the closing of the middle section (1855 feet) of a popular public highway and the transfer of the public's superior right of use of that highway to a private, well-connected citizen. The message ran under the heading: "FULLER ROAD: IMPROBABLE FOCUS FOR A SHOWDOWN OVER LOCAL TYRANNY."   

  • Our sixth message was the same message that we ran in USA TODAY on July 7, 2000, which addressed the issues of the fraudulent ratification of the 16th Amendment and the illegal operations of the income tax system. Click here to view a copy.

Citizen vigilance is on the upswing! 

The government is getting the message. The people are organizing and are beginning to respond to acts of tyranny and despotism. We urge you to ponder this message. How you can get people in your area to join the national Tyranny Response Team? How can you organize to confront governmental wrongdoing in you local and state governments? 

To purchase a Tyranny Response Team jacket, click here.