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WTP-TV Temporarily Off The Air
Someone Doesn’t Like Our Message

Developing Story

As of 3:55 PM, Monday afternoon, the We The People Internet broadcast provider was forced by his provider, Time Warner, to cease providing transmission of the WTP-TV broadcast stream and the FTP download of the archived LIBERTY HOUR file.

Here’s what we can release at this moment:

On Friday afternoon, while still under the impression that Time Warner had permanently fixed whatever "technical problem" caused them to knock our live broadcast off the "air," we posted the links enabling people to watch and/or download the event.

On Saturday, two computers at the White House were used to watch the entire event and eight computers at the IRS were used to watch and download the file.

By Sunday evening, 10,031 people had watched the event and another 5300 people downloaded the file to their PCs.

Beginning on Sunday and continuing on Monday, we received numerous messages from people about a "sluggishness" problem they were experiencing -- it was taking up to 15 hours for the FTP download of the file when it should only have taken 15 minutes. Something or somebody had so severely throttled our provider’s "big-pipe" transmission bandwidth that downloading was slowed to a "crawl."

Not only was WTP being affected but also our provider was being affected. His business was being affected by the inordinate amount of time required to transmit data.

Urgent calls by our provider to his provider, Time Warner, for an explanation of the reason for the loss in transmission capability resulted, finally, in Time Warner’s suggestion: "Turn them off." By "them," Time Warner was referring to WTP.

With his arm being twisted, and in the interest of protecting his business, our provider was forced by his provider to cut us off from his server.

Reluctantly, he did so at 3:55 P.M. Monday afternoon.

As soon as he did so, his full "big-pipe" bandwidth capability became available to him and all the problems he had been experiencing since last Tuesday night cleared up.

We The People is currently taking various technical and non-technical steps to insure the continued availability of our internet broadcasts.

Because of the high demand, we are duplicating the recording of the January 7 production of THE LIBERTY HOUR onto VHS tape and CD-ROM. These should be available very shortly.

We urge everyone that already has access to the initial broadcast to copy it, stream it (if feasible), offer it through an FTP link and make it available as widely as possible to your own network of contacts.

We The People will provide additional details about this developing story and our efforts to stop those that would attempt to curtail the spread of this historic message.

Click Here to Read the Transcript of the Show


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