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We Are Proven Right,
The Government Is Wrong

New Damning Tax Research Released
Appropriate Next Steps Announced


Our War Powers Petition for Redress

How right we were in the fall of 2002, when we formally served every member of Congress and the President with a Petition for Redress asking for answers to 23 questions regarding the War Powers clauses of the Constitution and the Iraq Resolution. Click here to view (and sign) the Petition for Redress of grievances.

If only the government had honored the Petition Clause by acting on our War Powers Petition: there would have been a Committee review of the Petition, leading to a full congressional debate on the President’s call for an invasion of Iraq, followed by an up or down vote on a declaration of war.

More than likely, there would NOT have been a decision to go to war against Iraq because the Executive would NOT have been able to prove its claims that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction, was reconstituting a nuclear weapons program and was linked to 9-11 and al ‘ Queda. More than likely, cooler heads in Congress would have prevailed, leaving it up to the people of Iraq, not America, to rid the world of one of its dictators.

For the reason that we are still engaged in hostilities in Iraq without a declaration of war, and the expectation that there will likely be future attempts to apply the armed forces of the United States in hostilities overseas without a declaration of war, we must continue the Petition process, including enforcement through “No Answers, No Taxes.”

Our Income Tax Petition for Redress

How right we were in April of 2002, and in November of 2002, when we formally served the President and every member of Congress with a Petition for Redress asking for answers to questions regarding the tax clauses of the Constitution and the federal “income” tax system. Click here to view (and sign) the Petition for Redress of Grievances.

The most damning documentary evidence to date has now been compiled in two new research reports that demonstrate without a shadow of doubt that the government has been acting ultra vires (i.e., without bona fide authority), in forcing ordinary Americans to file and pay an un-apportioned, direct tax on their salaries, wages and compensation, and that the government has known since 1916 that it lacks the legal authority to do so but has gone right on doing it anyway.      



Click Here to access this important WTP news article containing "appropriate next steps,"
groundbreaking legal research and new evidence exposing the income tax fraud.

Ed Note
: This article and its lengthy attachments are of significant importance in the battle
to restore Constitutional Order. Please allow ample time to study these important research materials
and announcements. Readers are encouraged to distribute this e-mail widely.


GO TO the WTP home page,

Join the historic class-action lawsuit against the U.S. Government.

Read and sign the Petitions for Redress of Grievances regarding the Government's
abuse of its limited war-making, taxing, and monetary powers and its ongoing assault
on the Bill of Rights.

Click Here to make a donation and help fund the historic lawsuit and the ongoing efforts of WTP.
You have our sincerest Thanks

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2458 Ridge Road
, NY 12804

All donations to the WTP Foundation are tax deductible.


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