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Colorado WTP Constitutional Conference Concludes

Last weekend the Colorado contingent of WTP hosted the first state conference on the Constitution. The three-day gathering in Colorado Springs was attended by 100 supporters and featured addresses by WTP Chairman Bob Schulz, former IRS agents John Turner and Joe Banister, and a number of local Colorado freedom defenders such as Denver business owner and gun-rights advocate Rick Stanley who is being prosecuted in direct retaliation for his aggressive Constitutional activism and paralegal Linda Sanders who has witnessed firsthand the corruption in the courts of Colorado.

An award was also made to a local Colorado Springs high school student who has been repeatedly ridiculed by his school for his “unorthodox” beliefs regarding defense of the Constitution and the founding principles.

The featured banquet speaker was Lance Haverkamp representing NORFED, who delivered a lucid explanation of our flawed monetary and banking systems. Haverkamp explained how alternative currencies such as the precious metals backed NORFED dollars are a legal alternative to Federal Reserve notes and may be a solution to the problems posed by the unconstitutional Federal Reserve System.

In his speech Bob Schulz expanded on previous Foundation communications regarding the upcoming WTP July events in Washington, DC (on July 19th & 20th) and urged everyone to commit to be in DC to help execute the next steps in WTP's Petitioning process.

On the 19th, WTP will host a public conference at the National Press Club where government officials have been invited to publicly respond to a limited number of WTP questions regarding new legal research on the income tax fraud. On the 20th, WTP will, if necessary, file several key motions in the Right to Petition class-action lawsuit and hold a public demonstration and media event at the federal courthouse. More details soon.

Our thanks again to the Colorado WTP Congress team and posse of Colorado volunteers. Their planning, efforts and personal commitment resulted in a valuable, successful event.

WTP supporters and court-watchers are urged to support activist Rick Stanley as he goes on trial in Colorado in June for “attempting to influence a public servant” as part of his stand to defend the 2nd Amendment. Stanley has scheduled several days of public events leading up to the start of the trial. Please see his website for more details.



(Additional material removed 6-7-04)

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