

On Monday, April 9th, at least 1040 people will surround the IRS headquarters building in Washington DC.

All the necessary permits are in. The weather will be dry with temperatures in the 70s. The Cherry Blossoms are in full bloom.

Some last minute notes and reminders. We will meet at the Jefferson Memorial at 9:00 a.m. SHARP.

TIMES: Allow 30-40 minutes for a cab ride from the Wyndham City Center to the Jefferson Memorial. It is a big city with heavy traffic at that time of the day.

DRESS: Neat, casual with comfortable walking shoes.

TYRANNY RESPONSE TEAM (TRT) WINDBREAKERS: Preferred, but not absolutely necessary. A sufficient quantity of each size will be on hand at the Jefferson Memorial for those who want to purchase one ($25).

PARKING: Don't even think about it at the Jefferson Memorial. Parking there is limited to 1 hour. Parking places are few. Those who are driving into the City would do well to leave their car at an outlying Metro stop and take the Metro to the Smithsonian and walk the Jefferson Memorial (about a 15 minute walk).

HANDICAPPED: Wheelchairs can be dropped off at the Jefferson Memorial and can easily make the trip from the Memorial to the IRS building.

SIGNS: We will have three long banners and a few hand-held signs. Yes, people may bring their own signs, but PLEASE, be reasonable. Let's not be too abrasive or shrill. Stay on message.

WATER: Water fountains along the route were not working last week. Consider water bottles and fannypacks.

BATHROOMS: Available at the Jefferson Memorial and at the Washington Monument, which is at the halfway point.

CAMERAS: Highly recommended. The walk itself is a momentous event. And, the route of the walk is through the heart of the cherry blossoms. It is very scenic and pleasing to the senses. And, we want as many people as possible filming the event, just in case somebody is out to cause a ruckus to make us look bad -- we want a full record of the event.

OVERVIEW OF THE WALK-AROUND: 29 minutes from the Jefferson Memorial to the IRS building. We will arrive at the IRS at about 10:30. The main entrance is on Constitution Ave, where a portable sound system will be set up for Commissioner Rossotti, should he decide to honor our invitation to speak to us. We may walk around the building seven times and then, on cue, shout "SHOW US THE LAW." From the IRS building we will walk straight to the Mall (a 5 minute walk), where there will be a stage with a lectern and a sound system for the speakers to use.

RAMS HORNS: Yes, bring them! Trumpets will also work.

ARK OF THE COVENANT: Not appropriate for this trip, but an ark of the Constitution would be.