Great News -- Great News -- Great News -- Great News -- Great News

We the People Foundation for Constitutional Education will have a major Press Release next week. We wanted to let those who have been with us through the delays know first.

During the past weeks, Bob Schulz has been in Washington D.C. for repeated meetings with Congressman Roscoe Bartlett and his staff.

Congressman Bartlett has signed a powerfully worded letter on official letterhead to Bob Schulz reiterating his full support for the tax hearing, reconfirming his commitment to chair the hearing and setting firm rescheduled dates for the Capitol Hill hearing.

Next week, the Foundation will send each of you the press release with all of the details including the new dates and web links so you can view the letter.

Mr. Schulz is greatly pleased with the growing support from Congress. There are now 284 House and Senate members who now directly support legislation abolishing the IRS and the income tax.

Next week, Mr. Schultz will also make public additional steps being personally taken by Congressman Bartlett and others to enhance the historic nature of this event.

Mr. Schulz wants to thank all of you who have stayed by us patiently waiting for things to be worked out.

Best Regards,
Scott Hildebrandt
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