We The People Foundation for Constitutional Education

~ Announces ~

"Operation Enduring Patriotism"

Please see http://www.givemeliberty.org/ for details on this important citizens' initiative commencing November 12, 2001.

Operation Enduring Patriotism

At the heart of the operation is a statute to be passed by each state legislature to require the teaching of the history, meaning, effect and significance of every provision of the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution of the United States of America and each state's constitution.

This initiative covers, but is not limited to, the provisions relating to: taxes, war, money, privacy, firearms, property, separation of powers, sovereignty, education, community development, petitions, religious liberty, suffrage, habeas corpus, punishment, grand jury powers, oaths, equal protection, searches and seizures, due process, public officers and welfare.

Also of focus will be compulsory education in those personal aspects of citizenship so necessary to facilitate the proper functioning of our form of governance (e.g., honesty, tolerance, personal responsibility, respect for others, observance of laws and rules, etc.).

We call upon every organization dedicated to preserving individual rights, freedoms and liberties to co-sponsor this event.

Patriotism needs to be more than flag deep if our unalienable rights, liberties and freedoms are to endure.

Operation Enduring Patriotism is an opportunity for all citizen-patriots to get up out of their chairs and do something.

"Acta non verba." Deeds do speak louder than words.

Please read the new article posted on the web site of the We The People Foundation for Constitutional Education, Inc. at http://www.givemeliberty.org/.

Operation Enduring Patriotism begins on November 12, 2001 in Washington, D.C.

Please share news of this effort with your friends and support this significant effort to save our Republic by reawakening and restoring true patriotism throughout our land.

Thank you,
Bob Schulz