WTP Announces Freedom Drive Manager:

Devvy Kidd Climbs Into the Driver’s Seat

We The People Congress announced today that Devvy Kidd, a successful freedom activist and political organizer from Sacramento, California has accepted the 3-month position of Freedom Drive Manager. Her full-time mission is to coordinate all the resources available to WTP and steer the Drive to DC on November 14th.

In Washington, the People – en masse -- will again, peacefully deliver their Petitions for redress and issue strong admonitions and warnings to our government concerning the significant risks faced by our nation should our government continue to ignore the rule of law and the specific written language of our Constitution.

"Work tasks and momentum for Freedom Drive 2002, as well as the WTP Congress, are rapidly building and require the management skills, energy and personal commitment brought to us by Devvy," remarked Bob Schulz, Chairman of the We The People Congress.

Kidd, as Drive Manager, will be organizing and managing rally city events (including the main rally on the mall in DC), route details, detailed schedules, road communications, safety planning, driver procedures and directly managing the work efforts of the WTP Congress coordinators and the WTP volunteer network. A primary task for the Coordinators and volunteers is to spread word of the Drive across the nation via flyers, media notices, local meetings and other forms of activism.

"Freedom cannot be attained and retained by observers. Freedom gained and kept can only be achieved with a warrior class who will stand firm and live the words they speak, " remarked Kidd.

The Freedom Drive is a non-aligned, apolitical once-in-lifetime opportunity for all individuals, rights groups and other organizations that care about our government’s disregard for our unalienable rights and the continuing affronts to our Constitution to be seen and heard.

It is time to stand together. Enough is Enough.

Click Here to go to the Main Freedom Drive information page.